Welcome to my blog, yes, my blog.

Hye! Thanks for spending your time for my blog. Yea, I,m just having an attempt in blogging. So, far so good. I'm really sorry if there any mistakes in my writing or broken language, it's not purposely happened. Anyway, enjoy reading. -The Owner of This Blog-

Counting Days for Trial

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Argh~! Trial is around the corner. Whut the hell?! I'm not completely ready yet. But be positive. Optimistic. Think what are you doing all the days. Sleep. Chatting with mates. Than? What about study? Ok, now I know why it's worrying me. I've done nothing. Erk, I think better describe it, you doing less effort for the trial, Daniel.

Ok, I can start by now. By in front the computer. Wikipedia. Yeah, it helps actually. But I don't have any mood for that. Erm, 16 days by now for trial. Better plan what to do next.


1. Complete all the homeworks first. (make sure by tonight!)
2. Start the rivisions by Sciences subject first, by tomorrow. (of course Phyz, Bio, and Chemist)
3. Then by subjects that require so many calculations. (Add Math my fav. Trigo, Math included)
4. Next, language-kind-of-subject (priority on Arabic, then English, not least Malay)
5. Finally, religious studies (Quran and Sunnah, Syaria)
6. And, the most increadible hard-and-really-make-me-dead-subject, HISTORY! (I think 2 days for whole Form syllibus is enough)

All of this should be done in 16 days. I'm gonna make it.

Now, about the targets.

1. BM - A1
2. BI - B3
3. BA - A2
4. PHY - A2
5. CHEM - A1
6. BIO - A1
7. ADD MATH - A1
8. MATH - A1
9. PSI - A1
10. PQS - A1
11. HISTORY - B3

Pray for me luck! Please God help me, I need your help.