Welcome to my blog, yes, my blog.

Hye! Thanks for spending your time for my blog. Yea, I,m just having an attempt in blogging. So, far so good. I'm really sorry if there any mistakes in my writing or broken language, it's not purposely happened. Anyway, enjoy reading. -The Owner of This Blog-

Just like that.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Yeah, as well as I'm a college student apparently, so I have to face a brand-new environment, atmosphere as well as the community. So, I need to adapt as quick as I could since been registered to this well-known-university (actually, the university only, not the campus).

So then, the atmosphere was not bad. Same as in the most beloved educational institution that I ever been, yeah, KISAS of course. In Arabic, we called it bi'ah and of course I'm talking about the positive one, which was bi'ah solehah. As I ever been or experienced this kind of situation or in other word, this kind of environment, then I've easily adapting myself with this institution.

As I've been here since more or less than a month ago, I got many friends. Well, being friendly and having some specialty was worthed. Started when I've going through some program which we've been divided into groups, some bonds created instantly among us. Then after we've also being divided again into 10 groups of students (more to classes), again we've being apart as each of us was transferred to different group. Since then also, some bonds also formed, more closer among the members of the group. But the friendship that had been created before could not vanished just like that, we still like before, having time together as same member of the Batch of Semester 1 2010/2011. Most of them was transferred to non-science classes. Okay, stop right here, I'm babling right here. It's not the point okay. I've mentioned about these before.

I just want to share some experiences, events, my doing here with others by figures, yeah, photos of course. Here was some.

Bulughul Maram ( بلوغ المرام) lecture. Bulughul Maram was a fiqh's kitab  which been used in this lecture. Some topic that will be discussed in this lecture so far was, ablution, and menstruation in women.
 Prof. Madya Muhiden having his speech.

These was the kitab I've mentioned above, Bulughul Maram.

The atmosphere during the lecture. (It's the camera, not haze)

Just in time snap. 

Real concentrate. (or dizzy? Hehe.)

This lecture was so fun as Prof. Madya Dr. Muhiden always made his lecture implicit with the sense of humor. Furthermore, everybody just need to text him for any inquiries, or problem to be asked, an he will spend the last half an hour of the lecture for answering those questions which congesting his mobile inbox.

Classes/Tutorial. Which same goes as class in school, but a little bit different as we had to move from one place  to another in order to attend a class. Hogwards'-like in simple explanation.

  Having a snap of picture on the bridge between the blocks.

Having a phone call during the class. How improper doing. Don't copy.

 My Arabic Lecturer. Ustaz Norhazrul. (he's ex-KIK... huhu)

Some discussion being held.

It's not that important having this picture here right? I'll move it some day.

 Me myself have no idea why I got that expression.

I got 7 type of subjects in this semester which was Arabic Language, Usus Aqidah, Sirah Nabawiyah, Kalkulus, Algebra & Geometry, English Language and.... Nationality.

Hanging out. Some places we've been invaded for hanging out purpose. Hehe.

Library, place that can freeze your body inside out. 

Fakhrul's room. Chatting.

When laptop meets some guys.

Having some work. (or Facebooking?)

Visitor who having a boring night joined the club.

Our snack, Nutella spread with Gardenia. Yum!

Most of these pictures was taken by Fakhrul Islam's mobile's camera. Not bad in quality isn't it? Satisfiying. Alright then, some figures about my life in UM Nilam Puri with those bunch of guys had been told here, implicating some picture was more then enough I supposed. InsyaAllah, more pictures to come, just keep update with the blog.
